Tag: Nevada

  • Democrats are Actively Setting Up Election Fraud in Nevada

    As a congressional candidate and investigative journalist, I’ve been exposing voter fraud in Nevada for quite some time…it’s why enacting voter ID is one of the main proponents on my platform. Recently, the situation in Nevada has gotten worse, as Democrats are actively setting the election up for easy manipulation. It started last month when…

  • Meet the Candidates: The Craziest Congressional Race Going on in America

    An insane congressional race is currently going on in District CD3 which covers a vast area of southern Nevada including, southern Vegas, Henderson, and Laughlin. The district is currently being represented by wealthy Democrat incumbent Susie Lee. Lee is a nefarious Pelosi puppet and one of 31 Democrats that voted for impeachment in districts that…

  • Rampant Voter Fraud in Nevada: Chapter 2

    In the first chapter I introduced you to Evette. She registered as living at a 3rd party personal mailbox store, voted by mail, and about 9 months after registering…the county realized that was a bad address. So what happens? They attempt to contact the voter with forward-able mail. If the voter returns it with an…

  • Nevada Attorney General Candidate Aaron D. Ford is a Complete Scumbag

    As a patriot and fervent believer in the 2nd amendment, I was sent a story a couple of years back about Senate Bill 254. It was a bill that would allow criminals (or their surviving family members if you killed them) to civilly sue a home owner for defending themselves inside their own homes. Sounds…